Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Reason for No Blogs

I have been without my own computer for about a month and a half. I have a new one, but it has yet to be installed in my study owing to circumstances that cannot be controlled. Therefore, I have not been posting any meditations.

In addition, I have had a suspicion that the blog is not read by that many people. It has been several weeks since I posted a meditation, yet only four people have commented about not receiving them. This only confirms my suspicion.

Please understand that I am not offended by this. I realize that people are bombarded with e-mails and other information to sift through. With so much stuff to sort through, my blog can easily become just one more thing to read. If it becomes burdensome to read, then the benefit of it is greatly reduced. My ministry got on well before the blog and can get on well without it.

Now my suspicion may not be correct. One way to find out is if you let me know you read the meditations on my blog and would like to continue receiving them. Of course, if few people are reading the blog, I will receive few replys. And with that I will have my answer.

God be praised for any blessing my blog has been to you up to now. And, blog or no blog, may our Lord Jesus Christ be praised.


Anonymous said...

I greatly appreciate the meditations ... I don't read them from the actual blog, but instead from and rss reader.

Anonymous said...

I also enjoy your posts very much as I feel it gives me a "mid week" boost. Thanks for taking the time to post. I am going to see if I can put in a good word to the person that is in charge of setting up your new computer.

Scott Common said...

Dear Pastor Mott,

I am very blessed, encouraged and edified by your writing.

Sometimes when I read a devotional from some obscure or unknown author, or pastor (so called) I am blessed by any truth I read based on The Word Of God.

But even as I'm reading from these minor sources, I often see and hear the false doctrine seeping through the cracks in their reason. And sometimes it’s not “seeping”, it’s slamming me in the face. This is aggravating and it keeps me on constant guard during rare moments when I even care to read something other than the pure word of God.

One reason I enjoy reading your works so much (and the Blogs of Pastor Boffey) is because I know I can relax and COUNT on the fact that there is no error in bible doctrine.
This is a great relief and makes for an enjoyable experience and devotional time.

Also, your many years of living and experience in the Christian battle make you a voice of great wisdom to be heard, respected and considered. And I do!

On busy mornings, these short and pithy blogs (devotionals) are sometimes all I have time for. And they’re certainly worth reading and re-reading.

Brother, I pray you'll continue to write often, even if only 3 people are reading. This is a wonderful and excellent written record of Biblical wisdom, personal testimony and logical thought that I thoroughly enjoy and am blessed by.

Who knows,…maybe years from now, when biblical truth is banned from the digital airwaves, your blogs will be printed and bound and shared in the caves and deep woods where the children of light flee from the wrath of man, until our blessed Savior Jesus Christ comes.

Nothing will ever stand above the Bible; but men must be taught and your ability to write well is a wonderful teaching tool.

Thank you brother! Write on! The prince of the power of the air probably hates it when you fill his digital air with truth. Please continue to “strike blows for Jesus and holiness” (to quote Spurgeon).

In Christ

Scott Common
Las Vegas, NV

Terry Manzagol said...

Please don't stop your blog posting!

I am always looking for subject mater for personal bible studies, and this is one of my reliable sources.

I never complain when volunteers stop volunteering, because I understand what it is like to be busy, or when computers break down. I don’t want to be a pest. Unfortunately I contrast this by not complimenting a person that delivers a blessing. I imagine that I am not the only one that thinks this way, but now you know that there are at least 5 people that read and appreciate your blogs.

I hope you read your blog comments

Terry Manzagol
Detroit Church

PS – The TV networks have a statistic rule. For every person that calls to complain about a TV show content, they believe that there are 400 that feel the same way without calling. Your potential audience is much smaller, but I imagine that there are 3 for every commenter. So statistically you probably have about 15 readers – just a thought although not really scientific…

Tim Neldrett said...


As you know I am not a very vocal person. I am not one to usually comment (in person or online) whether it be for praise or for complaint. But in response to your direct request for a response, I confess that I have noticed that the blogs were missing, and I have been reading them. There are times when I can get more out of a quick blog then a longer bible study or full sermon because the information is more focused and I can tackle a larger concept in smaller fragments understand it better. This is probably largely due to the way I think and the fact that I am so young in my Christian walk.

So, if it is not a burden (does not take away too much time from your other pastoral duties) for you to do the blogs, then by all means please continue to do so.

Tim Neldrett
Detroit Church

Esther said...

Hello Pastor Mott,

I was just thinking the other day that I needed to call Jen and ask her why you haven't posted lately.

Both Isaac and myself have you saved in our favorites. I know too that our pastor reads them because he quoted from one of your meditations not to long ago. If you quit blogging it will surely be missed.

Lots of love from the Jonker Family!

W Bermudez said...

I also read and enjoy each blog, Pastor Mott! :) Since I get them sent to my e-mail, I don't usually take the time to come back to the blogspot and comment, either, but I appreciate the hard work you put in for our edification, and I love finding something worthwhile in my inbox (rather than all the usual junk).

Thank you!

goaliegurl said...

Dear Pastor,

I also truly enjoy the boost from reading your meditations (as I mentioned last time you considered discontinuing them) but I apologize that I have not often taken the time to let you know.

I also read them from the RSS feed so I have been watching for new posts and wondered why there hadn't been any lately, but I didn't want to hassle you about it because I know you're so busy. You recently mentioned that the summer will be so hectic for you that the Bible studies will be erratic, so I thought perhaps the same would hold true for these posts and have been patiently waiting. I know they do require your time and concentration, and that effort is not taken forgranted when you have so much already on your plate, so I didn't want to add to your burdens by screaming for a new meditation! :)

However, since you are asking for feedback, I will tell you that YES, I have noticed that they were absent and I have MISSED them!!!! Even so, if it takes you away from other responsibilities, I would understand if you chose not to post them. Thus, it is up to you whether you feel you have sufficient time and energy for this ministry. But know that it is appreciated.

Would it be more encouraging to you if I/we posted responses to the blogs more frequently? I have considered posting comments but didn't know whether you checked back to read them or whether it would simply be "another thing to read". (Again, not wanting to add a burden.)

So, thank you for the meditations you have already posted for us, and while I hope you will continue to post, I would understand if you don't have the time. However, rest assured that I will continue to monitor the RSS feed for updates, and I will certainly read any new posts!

Yours in Christ,

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your posts as well. I read them and print them out and send them to a friend of mine in prison - he also enjoys them and shares them with fellow inmates. It's hard for him to find good doctrinal meditations in there so he looks forward to yours.

I hope you will continue writing when you can.

Thank you!

Alwyn Smit said...

Dear Pastor Mott,

I fully agree with all the comments posted thus far.

I also noticed the blogs stopped and thought there must be a good reason.

I agree with Scott on trusting the source. I have a rule that I treat everything with scepticism if it does not come from or where recommended by either yourself or Pastor Conrad.

Please continue with the blogs!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Mott,

Do you still teach that if your non-resident members aren't concerned about relocating for the *true church*...that "they probably don't love the church enough to even be members"? (that is a quote from a sermon outline)

In addition, as far as your non-resident members, do you still teach that if a "church" doesn't pan out where they live that (I'm quoting from a sermon outline of yours,) "that (non-resident members) would do well to consider relocating their lives to live by the *true church*"?

If so, how do you reconcile this teaching with, "the kingdom of God comes not with observation, neither shall they say, Lo here! or Lo there! for behold, the kingdom of God is within you"? Luke 17:20-21 what about we are members of a "SPIRITUAL HOUSE"
what about "where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name, there am I ..."?

You have mentioned in sermons that anyone is FREE to leave your group. Yet apparently you judge, condemn & "church discipline" members who "leave" your group. Wouldn't "FREE to leave" be a hug & a blessing? & not a curse & judgment where you, from your pulpit, become judge, jury & executioner of a person's character & spirituality?

May I suggest that if you put your church discipline/ excommunication "sermons" UNedited for purchase & viewing, for the general public / non-members, people will see more clearly your version of, "free to leave".